Brilliantly done, Matt. In our early days in Bulgaria, when going to a village 'do', our neighbour came to collect us holding a bowl and spoon. 'Should we take our own bowl and spoon, too?' I asked (or thereabouts, my Bulgarian language skills being unprepared for this sort of social encounter). He looked at me like I was barking mad. 'Of course'.

It's the only way to eat, obviously.

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Haha! Back in my publishing days, I would often travel to shoots with a ‘back-pocket fork’, a guarantee of being able to quickly enjoy the dish just photographed without needing to scramble around for a spare utensil.

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…to sit and eat while slumped and flaccid

Such illumination! 😆

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Spoon every time Matt.

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Lesson learned.

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I eschew all pretense at "polite" eating and commonly use a spoon instead of a knife and fork (or just a fork) for all manner of dishes. Anything with rice or mash or pasta, whether it's a curry or stir fry, sausages, a creamy mushroom sauce... a good old spoon works just fine, even cutting pieces of meat or sausages should I need. Cutlery is a tool to help me eat my food without making too much of a mess, and I refuse to let it be a corset upon my behaviour.

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A behavioural corset, I do so like that! I feel more chided in these comments than with the original sausage and mash! 😂

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Beautifully written. Been there, done that

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Ha! I’m hoping we all have. (I’d do it again.)

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Love your line “the peace of a polite hour in my wife’s company for the peas remaining at the base of my ceramic bowl.”

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Give peas a chance.

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I was literally thinking "Why use a fork?" when you summed up. :)

That's mostly how I eat, because it became The Way of Things when I didn't have working shoulders, and I found that I absolutely approve and love 'bowl food'.

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It’s rarely a bad way to eat! Travel with spoon and fork next time! 😉

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