I am even later than you to that episode of Imagine, and that I’m not even later is thanks to you

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I hope you enjoy!

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Well this was certainly a thought-provoking post to read on a Sunday morning! While I get Curtis' concerns about self-expression leading to conformity, I believe that creativity and the freedom to express ourselves are vital. Through art, we can show our true selves and 'fill our cup'.

Art/being creative allows us to go beyond trends and share our genuine thoughts and feelings, enriching our lives and the world around us. While we should be mindful of what we share, genuine self-expression through creativity can be a powerful way to break free from conformity and be a way for us to find joy, freedom, community, discovery and so much more.

Perhaps it’s slight naivety on my part or perhaps I’ve completely missed the point (which is highly possible, especially pre morning coffee) - but I’m never happier than I am creating and consuming art!

*Love* the shots - almost ethereal! Those cracks where the light gets in can lead to the most beautiful and unexpected results. I enjoy seeing what you’ll capture next.

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I think you're right: art/creativity should, does, enrich. while it's no longer something that feels like it belongs to the few, it would only be an exercise in mere snobbery to start naming and separating good from bad. Curtis finishes his essay writing about myth, and there's something really interesting there – a new structure which hasn't been so cleanly marked out in which we can express ourselves 'outside of the cage'. The super-structures we (in the Western world) currently use to express ourselves are all functioning within that mega-structure of Capitalism and I think that's the model of conformity that fascinates (and troubles) him, and me. Like you: I'm happiest when writing, and when reading, and consuming art. I'm least happy when I'm piling through masses of content on social media, but like many others, I fall foul of this often.

So glad you enjoyed the shots – all photographed at that lowest aperture on the 105mm lens. :)

Thanks as always for sharing your thoughts here, Mark.

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Very interesting Matt, the conformity portion especially. Please let me know if I fall into the bubble.

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Thanks Andrew. Of falling into bubbles and slipping into chambers, I suspect we should each know it of our efforts before anyone else. But I’m fairly sure there’s enough originality and biting humour in what you share to park yourself on the right side of deadening conformity!

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But it’s difficult to stay on the outside of the bubble with so much noise around.

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You'll be just fine, carrying on in the way you've started.

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Thank you for writing as incisively about Adam Curtis’s article as he did (and thank you for the mention too)! Thank you for writing about blackberries and taking me back to similar childhood memories. And thank you for reminding me about the Imagine with Ishiguro. I think he’s my favourite contemporary writer.

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All the thank yous... Do take a listen to Iris Hond, too. I'm quite sure you'd like her music (now that I'm willing to share it!).

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Iris Hond looks like perfect Sunday morning music. We will listen to it tomorrow morning. Enjoy your evening

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Sunday AM should do just fine. Enjoy yours too.

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